Decoding Distress: How Do You Know If Your Hair Is In Bad Condition?


Your hair isn't just a style statement. It's a reflection of your overall health and the care you lavish upon it. 

However, with the hustle and bustle of city life, your tresses might be crying out for attention amidst the pollution, stress, and erratic schedules. 

Let's delve into the signs that scream, "Hey, I need some TLC!" and how to mend the broken strands.

The City Life and Your Hair

Living in the scenic city of Vancouver, BC, with its blend of natural beauty and urban sophistication, is truly a unique experience. 

However, the urban environment, despite its charms, can be less than friendly to your locks. The daily grind amidst the city's hustle and bustle, coupled with exposure to pollution from the bustling traffic, can take a toll on your hair's health. 

Even the moist, often rainy climate can add to the challenge, leaving your tresses feeling limp and lifeless. 

The environmental stressors common in Vancouver's cityscape can slowly chip away at your hair's vitality, making it crucial to understand the signs of hair damage and take timely action to restore your crowning glory.

Signs Your Locks are Locking Down

Understanding the cries for help from your hair is the first step towards restoration. Here's how you can decode the distress signals:

Hair Loss or Thinning

  • Causes: Stress, age, heavy medication, pregnancy, and lack of protein.

  • Solutions: Opt for a professional shampoo or consider a keratin treatment.

Split Ends

  • Causes: Excessive styling, lack of trimming, and harsh hair products.

  • Solutions: Regular trims and nourishing hair serums can be game-changers.

Dryness and Frizz

  • Causes: Overwashing, chemical treatments, and heat styling.

  • Solutions: Hydrating masks and reducing heat styling can do wonders.

Lackluster Locks

  • Causes: Nutrient deficiencies and lack of hydration.

  • Solutions: A balanced diet and ample water intake are your hair's best friends.

Solutions at Hand

Embrace the mantra of prevention and timely intervention. Home remedies, a hair-healthy diet, and the right hair care products can help you embark on a journey towards luscious locks.

When to Seek Professional Help

Persistent issues or severe damage? It might be time to consult the experts. Booking an appointment at the salon could provide you with personalized solutions and a roadmap to restoring your hair's former glory.

Common Myths about Hair Damage

Debunking myths can be as important as understanding the facts. For instance, brushing your hair 100 times a day might not be the royal road to shining tresses!

How Diet and Lifestyle Affect Your Hair

What you eat and how you live play pivotal roles in your hair health. Incorporating a balanced diet and reducing stress are steps towards a happier scalp and vibrant hair.

Seasonal Changes and Hair Health

Every season brings its own set of challenges for hair care. Adapting your hair care routine to the changing seasons is crucial for maintaining healthy locks.


Your hair is your crown, and every crown deserves to shine bright. With the right care and attention, you can restore your hair's health and keep it looking majestic. So, why wait? Embark on your journey towards glorious locks today!

Filomena Salon Coquitlam is an award-winning hair salon located on Schoolhouse Street in Coquitlam. We are specialists in hair extensions, hair colour and other professional hair services. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-777-9300 or email us at

David McAlinden